Four Midsummer Tips for Pool-Season Success

Four Midsummer Tips for Pool-Season Success

With proper preparation, the outdoor pool season will start out strong, but keeping up the momentum month after month can become a challenge.

6 min read

Energized staff, maintenance, and planning are essential for strong operations

With proper preparation, the outdoor pool season will start out strong, but keeping up the momentum month after month can become a challenge. Lifeguard staff may begin to experience burnout, the water chemical balance can change, reducing its effectiveness, and unplanned maintenance issues may arise. Before Fourth of July fireworks signal that it’s midsummer, facility managers must be proactive and mentally prepared. Make plans now to perform a midsummer evaluation on pool operations, and be ready to adjust accordingly to end the season on a high note.

The following four tips will help guide a productive midsummer evaluation that keeps the momentum strong:

Tip #1: Make Sure Lifeguards Are Energized

The beginning of summer is an exciting time, but by midsummer, lifeguards can lose focus and may feel like leadership is too hands-off. Throughout the season, lifeguards have seen many of the same kids swimming, fueling a sense of complacency. To pass the time, lifeguards may focus more on concerns that have nothing to do with water safety, like their end-of-summer plans or the start of a new school semester. If facility managers notice a decrease in motivation or morale, they must devise ways to reenergize the team.

Some ideas to reinvigorate a lifeguard staff include giving midseason awards, personally checking in with staff, organizing a department get-together, hosting “guard games” with safety-based competitions, and adding elements of fun into in-service trainings.