The Power of Fist Bumps

The Power of Fist Bumps

3 min read

Safe, supportive physical contact can create positive environments for youth athletes

One of the benefits of writing a monthly column about important issues in youth sports is the opportunity to look back. Most times, I get to recall my own coaching or playing days and think about the many changes that have happened over the years. It gives me a chance to reflect on the many positive experiences––and even some of the negative––that affected my personal development as well as the various values I still hold today.  

One subject that inspires very strong memories, both positive and negative, is physical contact. Many of those memories involve rituals my teammates and I created to celebrate accomplishments. From a simple high-five to a choreographed celebration, these things really made youth sports fun. But I also have some memories of coaches’ actions that were certainly “over the line,” if not blatantly inappropriate.