This-N-That January

This-N-That January

A collection of news items, product announcements, and event notices designed to keep you on the cutting edge.

5 min read


The COOL DOG DOGGIE DEMAND FOUNTAIN was recognized at the 2023 Pet Business Industry Awards in the Dog Bowls category. The winners were selected by the Pet Business editorial team and were featured in the magazine’s December issue.

This product features a hands-free approach to a water-delivery system for dogs that can be used with or without a dog bowl to catch the water flow. It helps provide fresh, sanitary clean drinking water so dogs don’t have to share water bowls, thus improving the health of the park. The product offers several options as well as several color choices. For more information, visit

Look Ahead For Success

Scheduling is an important part of planning that dictates when leagues and other sports programs occur. Here are some tips to ensure success:

  • Schedule dates at least a year in advance. Whether planning by calendar year, fiscal year, or school year, it’s important to know the dates as far in advance as possible.
  • For multiple sports leagues, organize dates in a program calendar to provide a clear picture on how programs will play out. It also identifies any conflicts or shortcomings.
  • Correlate scheduled dates with the local school district calendar. Avoid scheduling games on or around major holidays or times when kids are on break from school. Do the same for summer programs.
  • Research other league dates in the area to avoid conflicts.
  • Consider weather conditions and try to plan accordingly.  
  • Have a plan in place that outlines goals and long-term plans.
  • Once schedules are set for the year, communicate them. Send information to all past participants as well as staff members, volunteers, referee groups, and the surrounding community. Post it on the website and social media. Stakeholders will appreciate getting this information well in advance.

--Information provided by Jason Schaitz, Parks and Recreation Director