Cameras Don’t Have To Roll To Shine a Spotlight on Sportsmanship

Cameras Don’t Have To Roll To Shine a Spotlight on Sportsmanship

2 min read

Subtle Is Sometimes Better

It’s difficult not to notice how social media affects not only our lives but those of children. Since most of what I follow on these platforms is sports-related, these specific topics naturally pop up in my feed. But rarely when I go online do I see positive images of sports. I must go directly to the organizations I follow to find positive stories, and those hardly ever go “viral.”

It’s more common to see a bunch of fights in the stands at the latest professional or college games. Thousands of people in the stands have a great time pulling for their teams every weekend, but that’s not what is posted on social media. Fights in the stands, moms shielding their kids from airborne beer cups, old men tumbling down stairs or over seats after being shoved. On and on the nonsense goes. 

It is amazing how many of these encounters are posted weekly. But it reminds me that social media is not a reflection of reality. The extreme highs and lows are typically featured because that’s what gets the clicks.